Internal Monitoring within the special education department for review of IEPs and ETRs. Please join us to go through the internal monitoring process of reviewing the contents of IEPs and ETRs. The team will review redacted IEPs/ETRs using a checklist that comes from the state to ensure that our documents are compliant and identify areas of growth.
Have you ever sat in a meeting as a DR and wondered what is going on? Have you ever started to write an IEP and gotten stuck? This session will allow you to familiarize yourself with the different components of the Evaluation Team Report and understand how each of these sections drive the writing of the Individualized Education Plan. We will explore where direct connections from the ETR can be referenced in the various sections of a student's IEP.
This session will provide SLPs, OTs, PTs, and school psychologists the opportunity to complete self-selected CEUs applicable to licensure and/or to collaborate with other related service providers on projects to implement best practices. Participants should bring any resources needed to complete self-selected trainings, and should plan ahead with colleagues for any collaborative projects.