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Audience: Gifted Education clear filter
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Friday, January 17

10:55am EST

Ideas from A Teacher's Toolbox for Gifted Education LIMITED
Friday January 17, 2025 10:55am - 11:45am EST
Too busy to read and implement ideas from A Teacher's Toolbox for Gifted Education by Todd Stanley? This session will share "an adaptable toolbox of strategies for challenging gifted students that they can immediately put into practice in their classroom, school, or program. Chapters cover everything from makerspaces and project-based learning, to enrichment clubs, mentorships, creative thinking, and more."
Friday January 17, 2025 10:55am - 11:45am EST

2:25pm EST

Ideas from A Teacher's Toolbox for Gifted Education LIMITED
Friday January 17, 2025 2:25pm - 3:15pm EST
Too busy to read and implement ideas from A Teacher's Toolbox for Gifted Education by Todd Stanley? This session will share "an adaptable toolbox of strategies for challenging gifted students that they can immediately put into practice in their classroom, school, or program. Chapters cover everything from makerspaces and project-based learning, to enrichment clubs, mentorships, creative thinking, and more."
Friday January 17, 2025 2:25pm - 3:15pm EST
HCSD 2025 Staff Showcase
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